Why will apocalypse happen?
Reason 1: Because the possibility exists. Murphy’s laws are not science, far from it, but I cannot stop thinking of some of them because I have an attraction for everything that open the gate for meditation. Here is one: whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. Here is my thinking: everything was created with a purpose. God, or nature – take it the way you like it - led us here, all those many ways to wipe us out. Could be nuclear, chemical, biological… the possibility exits. Were all these arsenals created for the sake of an exercise? My bet? No. Reason 2: Something wrong with human nature. I am sure all of us know from history lessons about leaders that initiated wars with horrifying consequences, thousands or millions killed, only to feed their ego or to maintain power. Do you remember Caligula, Atilla, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot? Or other monsters still considered today as heroes in their country, like Alexander the Great, Turks sultans, Genghis Han, Napoleon? Do you think they do not exist today? Well, turn on your TV, search for a news channel and I bet you that in less then one hour you will hear about some of them. And today the means are much bigger, and some were already used, nuclear, chemical… if my memory is good. Reason 3: Everything recycles. The life of plants, animals, our lives, empires, societies, civilizations; and at a bigger scale the solar system, galaxies, the whole universe has a limited existence. A lot of lives are recycled when a community is born, grows and disappears; same happens with communities in a country, countries in an empire (or federations or unions as we have today). And it will happen with our civilization too, until our planet (or the whole solar system) will become extinct. Dinosaur’s civilization is in the past, ours is following its course, and other’s will come after us, God or nature will find a way to replace us with another civilization, maybe better. What can we do? Nothing for Reason 3 But I decided to do the little thing I could, raise my voice with a warning, in my SF book, The World Ends Tomorrow, published on Amazon, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BXK259K
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