First question: Did human consciousness change along centuries and millennia? Disrespect for our environment, religious intolerance, greed, selfishness… I did my reading, history and religious texts and books. My conclusion? Not much. Add to all this the unstoppable population growth, the overpopulation and the insane resource consumption. Second question: Did our life standards improve along centuries? My take? A lot. For some of us. I would dare say that the average individual in western world lives better than kings few hundred years back. I remember a chronicle about the life during King Louis XIV, the Sun King; the cold and ugly smelling palaces (no toilets), sticks to scratch under the wigs for head lice, health problems… So, we do better today. All this done because of human technology advances: internet, cars, airplanes, medical assistance, you name it… So, what is wrong? Technologies advanced much faster than human consciousness; and technology out of control generates disasters. Discoveries and innovation based on research in chemistry, biology, quantum physics, information technology, transportation… make our life better, but could be used for destruction in the worse imaginable ways. Third question: Can our society fix itself, and avoid self-destruction? Answer: NO. Why? There are mathematical theories that a system cannot fix itself from inside. The mechanisms to fix the system will alter it, and so, it is different than when the project started, it is a catch 22 situation. Fourth question: What can be done? If humankind deserved being saved, it will happen, help from above. Aliens? or gods? But does indeed human society deserve saving? My book The World Ends Tomorrow describes such a scenario. Fracony, a super-civilization that visited Earth periodically, built models forecasting that an apocalypse generated by humans themselves is inevitable. They discovered a baby girl, Clara, with very special qualities, a research accident from a lab that tried to match man and women for best offspring. Clara was raised and trained all her life to take over the world leadership and prevent or diminish the consequences of an apocalypse. And the disaster came as a biological apocalypse from a virus escaping from a research lab. Clara can communicate with Fracony, but her training could not foresee everything, and Fracony might have their plans about what really means saving humanity, or the price to pay. What is good and bad have different definitions in normal times versus crisis situations, and when the human race was at stake that line between right or wrong was blurry and shifting until became non-existent. Principles transformed into self preservation, fear in divine punishment transformed into anger. Who could rule such a world? The action is four hundred years into the future, and only two countries sharing the planet, Gaia and Esperanto. Clara was ruling Esperanto as its Secretary. She had to navigate among centrifuge interests and ideas and take bold and heartbreaking decisions. Will she succeed or collapse before reaching the end of the tunnel? The World Ends Tomorrow Please leave a comment. Thanks.
I will mention few ideas and then clear my point.
First, the big bang theory. All started almost 14 billion years ago with a small singularity (density close to the infinite) that exploded and started expanding (still expanding today). My question: what was before that? According to the scientists accepting the theory this is a silly question since TIME started with the big bang. Second, the theory of parallel universes, ours is one of them. And there are different flavours and explanations how our universe was created. The one I like is that an accident in one universe created a distortion that lead to the creation of our universe. When I was a teenager and an avid reader of everything, I came across some theories (as old as old Greek philosophy). And one said that actually nothing exists, everything is actually a huge delusion. As a very simplified comparison… the table I see right now in my dining room does not exist, it is a creation of my mind. As much as I like it, the delusion (about the non-existence of our cosmos) was in the minds of those genius lunatics, the universe exists. Since your time is limited, I will say only one more example before my conclusion. Monotheist religions claim the Universe was created by God. “Everything” has a beginning, including our universe. But God is outside that “everything” because He is eternal and does not have a beginning. And since I always use my logic (that will not sit well with many, but still, it is my thinking), He Who is outside “everything” is “nothing”, so, (1) God does not exist, or (2) He is something else then described in Holly Books. Now I have to spell my idea, how was the universe created: NONE OF THE ABOVE, and by the way, none of the theories I read so far has enough credibility for a twisted mind like mine. Reason: there are 2 limits that all theories cannot explain, the infinite and the eternity. I tackled such ideas in my first SF /Fantasy book The Rise of Esperanto And for those that enjoy sci-fi, fantasy, dystopian, apocalyptic stories, I suggest my second book, The World Ends Tomorrow, Thank you for reading, Eliade I came across two interesting lists,
First is IQ by country And the second one is penis size by country I thought that the two lists could be used to draw another one, manhood by country. I considered that IQ is more important, but penis size matters too. So my formula to calculate the manhood is (IQ * 2) + (penis size in mm) For (IQ * 2) all countries fall in the interval 118 to 216 For penis size (mm) the interval is 96.6 to 179.3 I will start with a quote from an article published by Anders Sandberg, who works for the Future of Humanity Institute at the University of Oxford.
“Most work on bioweapons have been done by governments looking for something controllable, because wiping out humanity is not militarily useful. But there are always some people who might want to do things because they can. Others have higher purposes… Some people think the Earth would be better off without humans, and so on.” * John Robbins is the author of a well documented book, A Biological Apocalypse Averted. In his book he mentioned researches done for food industry, creating bacteria that control the plants growth. “It is testimony to the amazing powers of science that researchers were able to track the mechanism by which the genetically engineered Klebsiella prevented plants from growing.” I will not quote the whole saga around this research, but worth mentioning that some more research stopped the whole process of releasing this bacteria for commercial use. The book mentions the opinion of geneticist David Suzuki: “The genetically engineered Klebsiella,” he says, “could have ended all plant life on this continent. The implications of this single case are nothing short of terrifying.” * There are many ways to express warnings or ideas. Some people think the whole society on Earth should be re-organized… differently. Interesting to mention the Georgian Guidestones, that is a granite monument erected in 1980 in the state of Georgia, United States. The first of the ten commandments carved in stone is: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.” * I mention the Georgian Guidestones in my book, The World Ends Tomorrow where I warn the reader about the danger of a biological apocalypse. My book is SF / Fantasy, but the reader could easily relate with real life challenges and dangers. A dystopian society that lost control of its communities, and lacks the proper regulations for the research labs, will lead to nothing else but an apocalypse. .... From my book, The World Ends Tomorrow: “What will those do who had the innocent dream of a simple life? And what was left from this life did not look good. What can set those people free? Many committed suicide. What will those do who preached the teaching of God, and now had to explain God’s ways? God’s ways are unknown to us, satisfied no one anymore. God is trying us was even worse. No one accepted such an explanation. Some people were still hoping God would come to rescue them and raised their hands to the sky asking God for help, but others killed them, offended by their stupidity. What will the rich do with their wealth? Or the mighty with their power? All will be dust, soon. Since the dawn of history the fight was between good and evil. But now, when history itself was about to come to an end, the fight was between good and good, and it did not matter what side you were, you would be crushed by the daemons of doubt. “ The World Ends Tomorrow Why will apocalypse happen?
Reason 1: Because the possibility exists. Murphy’s laws are not science, far from it, but I cannot stop thinking of some of them because I have an attraction for everything that open the gate for meditation. Here is one: whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. Here is my thinking: everything was created with a purpose. God, or nature – take it the way you like it - led us here, all those many ways to wipe us out. Could be nuclear, chemical, biological… the possibility exits. Were all these arsenals created for the sake of an exercise? My bet? No. Reason 2: Something wrong with human nature. I am sure all of us know from history lessons about leaders that initiated wars with horrifying consequences, thousands or millions killed, only to feed their ego or to maintain power. Do you remember Caligula, Atilla, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot? Or other monsters still considered today as heroes in their country, like Alexander the Great, Turks sultans, Genghis Han, Napoleon? Do you think they do not exist today? Well, turn on your TV, search for a news channel and I bet you that in less then one hour you will hear about some of them. And today the means are much bigger, and some were already used, nuclear, chemical… if my memory is good. Reason 3: Everything recycles. The life of plants, animals, our lives, empires, societies, civilizations; and at a bigger scale the solar system, galaxies, the whole universe has a limited existence. A lot of lives are recycled when a community is born, grows and disappears; same happens with communities in a country, countries in an empire (or federations or unions as we have today). And it will happen with our civilization too, until our planet (or the whole solar system) will become extinct. Dinosaur’s civilization is in the past, ours is following its course, and other’s will come after us, God or nature will find a way to replace us with another civilization, maybe better. What can we do? Nothing for Reason 3 But I decided to do the little thing I could, raise my voice with a warning, in my SF book, The World Ends Tomorrow, published on Amazon, Where is humankind heading?
First question: Did human consciousness change along centuries and millennia? Disrespect for our environment, religious intolerance, greed, selfishness… I did my reading, history and religious texts and books. My conclusion? Not much. Add to all this the unstoppable population growth, the overpopulation and the insane resource consumption. Second question: Did our life standards improve along centuries? My take? A lot. For some of us. I would dare say that the average individual in western world lives better than kings few hundred years back. I remember a chronicle about the life during king Louis XIV, the Sun King; the cold and ugly smelling palaces (no toilets), sticks to scratch under the wigs for head lice, health problems… So, we do better today. All this done because of human technology advances: internet, cars, airplanes, medical assistance, you name it… So, what is wrong? Technologies advanced much faster that human consciousness; and technology out of control generates disasters. Discoveries and innovation based on research in chemistry, biology, quantum physics, information technology, transportation… make our life better, but could be used for destruction in the worse imaginable ways. Third question: Can our society fix itself, and avoid self-destruction? Answer: NO. Why? There are mathematical theories that a system cannot fix itself from inside. The mechanisms to fix the system will alter it, and so, it is different than when the project started, it is catch 22 situations. Forth question: What can be done? If humankind deserved being saved, it will happen, help from above. Aliens? or gods? But did indeed human society deserve saving? My book The World Ends Tomorrow describes such a scenario. The story is four hundred years into the future, with two countries sharing the planet, Gaia with 60% of earth’s surface, and Esperanto with 40%. Gaia had huge problems due to lack of resources and a population around twenty-five billion people. Gangs were multiplying and growing, controlling more and more territory into the country. The government was close to collapsing, it was almost impossible to rule. Esperanto had three billion people and was doing well, mainly because of tough programs to control population growth and resource consumption, and they had an Administration that knew what to do, having Clara as the undisputed leader, acting as the Administration’s Secretary. She had exceptional qualities, but that might not be enough. When the disaster struck the Earth, Clara needed help from above. The World Ends Tomorrow |