Any extremism generates pain for the vast majority for the illusionary benefit of the few. Anarchy Remember the French Revolution at the end of the eighteen century? Robespierre was a lawyer with good ideas and intentions. But the anarchy generated by the revolution transformed him into a monster where he ordered the killing of thousands of innocent people because they did not fit in his idea of what a “patriotic” individual is. He ended up like those he ordered killed. Religion intolerance When the church had the upper hand in the middle ages, they burned people on the stake for everything they considered not in line with their teachings. Or in the modern days, the genocide in Rwanda - initiated by Rwandan Catholic church. Or the one in Bosnia led by the Serbian Orthodox Church. And any other religion is doing the same when there is no other authority to stop them. Fascism Led to the execution of millions of Jews. Communism I know about communism. And what the system was capable of was shown from the very beginning. Do you remember Gulag? In Russia. Readers might read “One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich” by Alexander Solzhenitsyn But it is equally bad in North Korea Readers may read about NK from a book inspired by a smuggled manuscript. “The Accusation” by Bandi (translator Deborah Smith) And it was pitiful in Romania. This book, “I must betray you,” describes the life of an informer in Communist Romania. Or you may read real stories in my coming book, This Life. Keep Democracy! It is not perfect, as Churchill said: “Democracy is the worst form of government except all the others.” But still the best.
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