Is God guilty of an overcrowded planet? I will start with these statements:
Abortion is a sin in monotheistic religions. I asked a colleague that is deeply religious, if having as many kids as one can be right. He said, “Yes, God will take care of the problem.” I asked same question to an Indian neighbor, he is a Sikh. He said “when a new human is born, a karma is born as well, and karma survives the natural death.” From my understanding from the discussion was that if the new human will go through unimaginable pains is still OK, a karma is added to this universe, and this is good. In my opinion both statements are the result of brain-washing, those guys did not make any effort to really understand the implications of over-population, hiding behind teachings they are afraid to challenge. The pressure from those countries where land and resources are in serious conflict with population needs could be seen more and more obvious: the flux of emigrants toward Europe and US reached levels that led to unprecedent nationalistic and anti-emigrant feelings in North America and Europe. Where is God to offer a solution? Well, no-one saw any statement from God so far, and God representatives on earth deny the problem, and that is no wonder. There are girls who abandon unwanted kids; where is church offering shelter for those desperate girls and their babies? By the way, God’s teaching says that we should help the ones in need, but in the city where I live the churches close their doors overnight and the homeless sleep outside at 20-30 Celsius under zero, some dying. So, God will not solve the problem, and God’s representatives cannot go beyond their hypocrisy. I will talk about one of the overpopulation consequences… I saw a debate the other day on CNN about the problem which torn apart US public opinion, illegal emigrants’ kids being split from their parents. Before I say my opinion, I will state that I was ready to fight to death to keep my kids in my arms when they were babies; but I stayed away from any position that could lead to such a dramatic situation (and believe me, I saw bad times in communism where my two kids were born). Also, I agree that a solution should be found to this crisis, but in the same time a strong signal should be sent to the world that illegal emigration is not tolerated and is punishable. So, what about the debate? Those raising the problem of the inhuman nature of the exercise of parents and kids being split were right, but came with no solution or suggestion; they looked like hysterical individuals, good-hearted people with empty heads who did not understand that a problem has a root cause and needs a solution, not finger pointing. And I think they did not dare to name who is guilty of all this: promoters of religious teachings (against birth control) refusing to adapt to new realities. Did God do a mistake? Of course not. He is the Creator and He shaped this world as he wanted. So, why did He do it this way? Because this world’s auto-destruction was designed from the beginning; overpopulation and all that comes with it is the signature of world end; pollution and insane resource consumption generated by an overcrowded planet will lead to war, and the weapons existing today is nothing else but annihilation. But why should God design a world that will auto-destroy? Because all in this universe has a start, growth, decay and annihilation. One exception to the rule: God, He is eternal… or maybe only by our understanding?
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